Intervention Therapeutic
Pvt. Ltd.
Rehabilitation & Research Centre :
Services offered by
Pediatric developmental therapy
Pediatric physical therapy
Pediatric occupational therapy
Pediatric special education
Pediatric speech therapy
Pediatric postural aids
Pediatric orthoses
Pediatric mobility aids
A. Pediatric developmental therapy
Pediatric developmental therapy is a specialty that deals with the wide variety of diagnoses that may affect your child's overall development from 0 to 13 years of age. Depending on the age, disability, and setting, the role of the pediatric developmental therapist differs greatly. However, the primary role that the pediatric developmental therapist assumes is to be an advocate for you and your child.
Pediatric developmental therapists help to ensure that your child's physical performance in everyday activities is at its best. Pediatric developmental therapists rely on the implementation of their expert knowledge of the neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and allied systems to help your child in any one of the following ways:
· Achieve age-appropriate developmental milestones (e.g.; head control, rolling, sitting, crawl, stand, walk)
· Better participation in age-appropriate school activities with peers with independent mobility
· Improve range of motion, strength, mobility, posture, balance, endurance for independent function
· Improve your child's ability to independently negotiate his or her environment (home, school, job, community)
· Actively participate and contribute to the society in the long run.
Treating your child includes examining, evaluating, and assessing the areas in which your child may have difficulty in functioning and then incorporating activities to address these areas. After examining your child, the pediatric developmental therapist will make an evaluation of his / her findings using any combination of standardized tests/ scales, observations, and/or clinical expertise.
Once an assessment has been completed, your pediatric developmental therapist will discuss his / her findings with you and educate you on your child's needs. To discuss the diagnosis / prognosis is an essential component of pediatric developmental therapy and helps to keep the caregiver involved and informed of the child's progress. You will also review the plan of care with your therapist, which will entail a discussion of the number of visits, frequency, and duration of pediatric therapy session, prognosis, and home activities you must do with your child to help him excel in his areas of difficulty.
Together, you will then create an individualized program specific to your child's goals and/or the family's goals. Activities in the form of play are provided to help your child be better motivated to reach his / her goals. Your role as a caregiver and your compliance with your child's home program are extremely important for a successful plan of care.
B. Pediatric physical therapy
Paediatric physiotherapy involves rehabilitation of babies and children with neurological conditions. At Rehabilitation & Research Centre we have experienced paediatric physiotherapists who will provide specialised physiotherapy treatment for children aged between 0 and 18 years thatneurological and developmental problems.
The physiotherapists at Rehabilitation & Research Centre specialise in treating neurological conditions (problems with the brain, spinal cord or peripheral nerves). Babies and/or children with neurological conditions may have difficulties with their physical functions including mobility, muscle strength, range of movement and balance.
Physiotherapy treatment for children with neurological or developmental problems will maximise their potential and promote physical development to reach specific milestones
At Rehabilitation & Research Centre, we treat a variety of neurological paediatric conditions including:
Congenital disorders including cerebral palsy
Developmental disorders including ataxia and dyspraxia
Head Injuries
Cancers of the brain and spinal cord
Diseases of the spinal cord
Peripheral nerve injuries
Learning difficulties
Our specialised neurological physiotherapists at Rehabilitation & Research Centre will initially assess your child’s development, movement, strength and balance in order to produce a structured treatment programme which may include:
Re-educating normal movement patterns
Balance training
Improving standing and quality of walking
Advice and support for parents and or teachers
Milestone development
Working on fine and gross motor skills
C. Pediatric occupational therapy
Pediatric occupational therapists help children work towards engaging fully in all aspects of their lives. These include development, play, academics, self care, mealtimes, and much more!
Here in Rehabilitation & Research Centre Pediatric occupational therapists work with the family, child and physician to develop an appropriate course of treatment.
Pediatric Occupational Therapists provide evaluation and training of:
fine motor skills and uses of hands
activities for daily living, such as feeding, dressing, and bathing
feeding difficulties, including oral motor deficits and oral aversion
developmental skills
eye hand coordination, including visual motor coordination and visual perceptual skills
Sensory Integration training.
academic skills such as following directions, problem solving, and hand writing
social and emotional skills
Adaptive/ assistive equipment and upper body splinting needs.
Autism related disorders
Sensory-motor disorders
Upper extremity (shoulder, arm and hand) injuries including brachial plexus injuries, burns, fractures, etc.
Developmental disabilities
Down Syndrome and other genetic diagnoses
Cerebral Palsy and other neurological diagnoses
Traumatic brain injury
Delays in fine motor and visual motor skills directly affecting academic performance
D. Pediatric special education
Pediatric special educator helps children work towards academic skills. These include development of hand function, play, school education, self care, and at least to become functionally literate.
Here at Rehabilitation & Research Centre ,specialized Pediatric special educator works with the family, child and the school teacher to develop an appropriate course of training.
Pediatric special educator provides assessment and training of:
Reading skills
Writing skills
Computer skills
Self-help skills, such as feeding, dressing, and bathing
Perceptual disorders
Therapeutic Listening
School skills such as following directions, problem solving, and hand writing
Social skills
E. Pediatric speech therapy
Pediatric speech therapist helps children towards speech and communication development. Although it is not possible to make every child verbal but at the same it is the duty of the speech therapist to make a child able to communicate his or her desire/distress by oral or augmentative communication.
At Rehabilitation & Research Centre, Pediatric speech therapist works with the family, child and other professionals to develop an appropriate mode of communication.
Pediatric speech therapist provides evaluation and treatment of:
communication disorders
feeding difficulties, including oral motor deficits and oral aversion
developmental skills
wide variety of speech problems
Usage of communication board.
Usage of adaptive feeding aids.
F. Pediatric postural aids
A number of postural aids are being used to help a delayed milestone child to achieve the appropriate milestones. All these postural aids are being made by specialized person who is trained for this purpose. There is a vast list of postural aids at Rehabilitation & Research Centre. A few of them are:
Corner chair
Arm chair
Standing frame
Standing bar
Sitting stools
Kneeling box
Contracture control devices
G. Pediatric orthoses
Pediatric orthoses are specially made orthoses which are being used to align abnormal joints or muscles to correct & prevent any deformity or pathology . At Rehabilitation & Research Centre, specialized Orthotists are there who carry out assessments, and accordingly take the cast impression and measurement for specially designed orthoses and subsequently fabricate orthoses. The orthoses here are custom moulded most of the time. Some of the type of orthoses fabricated here are-
Ankle foot orthoses ( AFO)
Gaiters ( 3 points / Corset)
Arm bands
Hip abductors
Hand splints
Dennis Brown Splint
H. Pediatric mobility aids
A large of number of mobility aids are available at Rehabilitation & Research Centre to make a child mobile in the community. A mobility aid is prescribed on the basis of assessment by the professionals who are expert in the field. Few of the mobility aids:
Elbow crutches
Wheel chairs